The GAHN LGC MANAGEMENT is aware of the importance of developing our activity of “Design, Development of information systems and Advice for the management of companies and other entities. Logistics management, customization, handling, distribution and storage, management of transport and delivery and flow of information to the end customer ”, controlling the impact on Information Security, the Environment, Safety and Health at Work and on customer satisfaction.
Within the scope of Information Security, the scope of the policy also includes the activities of Management, Control and Technical Monitoring of projects.
In order to consolidate a line of continuous improvement marked from our origin, respectful with the Environment, and committed to Information Security and the Health and Safety of our staff, we have implemented an INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (QUALITY, ENVIRONMENT and HEALTH AND SAFETY) and an INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM based on ISO 9001: 2015, PECAL 2110, ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 27001: 2013 and ISO 45001: 2018 Standards. In this way, we develop our activities in order to satisfy the requirements of our clients and meet their expectations, guarantee security in the processing of information related to business processes and ensure the safety of our workers.
These systems are aimed at maintaining the efficiency, safety and reliability of all the activities we carry out and, as a consequence, to ensure the best possible quality in our services, guarantee the protection of information, reduce the least environmental impact of our activities and provide safe and healthy working conditions.
The actions to be carried out to comply with this policy go through the implementation, development and maintenance of the Management Systems. This policy will be aligned with the Management Systems, the organizational context and the Strategic Direction and will be appropriate to the nature of our risks and opportunities. The policy is a frame of reference for the establishment of the objectives set by the Management Systems.
This Policy includes as a fundamental principle the performance of a risk analysis in accordance with the corresponding scope of application. The development of the results of this analysis will imply the establishment of its corresponding risk treatment by GAHN LGC.
GAHN LGC Management shows its commitment through this communication and is responsible for ensuring that the Management Systems are understood, applied and kept up to date at all levels of the organization. For this reason, the Management wishes to express, both to our employees and to the interested parties, that:
Quality is a key factor in the survival of the company and must be assumed, with responsibility, by all its components, starting with the Management.
The Management Systems developed at GAHN LGC have been designed based on the aforementioned basic aspects. Said Systems, as long as they are used properly, will provide positive results that will serve to:
Improve the quality of service, increasing customer satisfaction.
Ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information
Improve the environment, working conditions and the spirit of participation.
Have a continuity plan that allows you to recover from a disaster in the shortest possible time.
Ensure and improve knowledge and fulfillment of functions and obligations by employees, increase creativity, etc.
Improve environmental behavior and preventive culture.
Encourage consultation and participation of workers in preventive activities and safety actions.
Minimize our generation of waste and promote environmental awareness.
We are committed to complying with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements, as well as the requirements that our organization subscribes to.
We determine which are the relevant stakeholders for our Management Systems and we will define what their requirements are
We are committed to preventing pollution, protecting the environment and natural resources.
We are obliged to train and educate all employees in the different matters and areas related to management systems.
We will properly manage all incidents that occur associated with the Management Systems.
We will adopt the necessary measures to prevent damage and deterioration of the health of the workers of our centers, as well as of other interested parties, adopting the necessary measures in the development of our activity.
The documentary base on which our Management Systems are based are mandatory for all GAHN LGC personnel and the procedures that contemplate it are mandatory in those activities in which they are applicable. All personnel have an obligation to know and comply with them, in order to satisfy customer requirements, security requirements and legal requirements.
The procedures developed will provide information on the correct performance of the Management Systems developed in GAHN LGC.
This policy and the indicated Management Systems are regularly reviewed at planned intervals, or if significant changes occur, to ensure its continued suitability, efficiency and effectiveness. They are generally reviewed annually along with the internal audit processes.
We embrace a model of continuous improvement of our processes convinced that it is the ideal formula for the development of a correct management of Quality, the Environment, Information Security and Health and Safety. Said improvements are evaluated and once their viability has been studied, they are implemented, developed and maintained.
This Integrated Policy provides the framework to establish and review the objectives and goals established by the organization to achieve total customer satisfaction, guarantee safe processes and control of the impact of our activity on the environment.
The Company's Management, despite delegating its authority for the maintenance of the Management Systems to a corresponding person in charge, is aware that it is ultimately responsible for obtaining the proposed objectives, and in this sense undertakes to facilitate all the human, technical and economic means necessary to achieve it. It also expects all its employees to provide maximum dedication in maintaining the Quality and Environmental System, the Information Security Management System and the Occupational Health and Safety System.
Ed. 02 In Madrid on January 24, 2020 General Management of GAHN LGC